samedi 3 octobre 2009

Blackwater Torture Video In Afghanistan : Change ? What Change ?

Here is a Torture video in Afghanistan made by Blackwater against Afghan Civilians.

I just wanna ask one question ? What the Hell Americans are doing in Afghanistan ?
Afghanistan was never a threat to USA or to any other country in the world.

The Afghan People doesn't have anything to loose. After one Afghan killed/tortured, ten others will come from nowhere to take revenge.

And You know what ? Talibans can live with only one Bottle of milk, dates, and Bread for one Week ! So Just keep sending more troops.

This was my first post in english on this blog !

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2 commentaires:

  1. Pour un début c'est déja pas mal :D C'est clair et c'est dans l'anglais que je peux comprendre :p

  2. :D Really ? Au fait, même si des français lisent ça, ils ne bougeront pas le petit doigt. Par contre les Ricains, eux, peuvent faire bouger les choses.


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